Established in 2001 Reel Cinemas is a chain of multiplex movie theaters that was originally named Curzon Cinema. Currently consisting of 15 complexes throughout...

Established in 2001 Reel Cinemas is a chain of multiplex movie theaters that was originally named Curzon Cinema. Currently consisting of 15 complexes throughout the United Kingdom are known for the Reel price structure that provides the maximum value possible. An an independent movie chain with a relatively small number of theaters the company works hard to provide its customers with a satisfying experience in order to establish loyalty. The chain often hosts special events that are designed to reach out to the art community and neighborhoods that their theaters are located in.

Below are the latest Reel Ticket Prices:

Reel Tickets
Child (12 and Under)£5.20
Child (12 and Under)£5.70
3D Fees+£3.00

Reel Concession Prices

In an effort to keep maintain the Reel price that the company is known for and grow organically the company has theaters of varying sizes throughout the United Kingdom that offer various concession items. Most of the theaters are relatively small with only basic concessions including salty popcorn and sweet popcorn that are sold for relatively low popcorn prices. The locations also sell a variety of different candies for approximately £3.00 per box. Hot Dogs, nachos, and ice cream are also available at most locations. Guests can also save money by purchasing kid combos, family combos, or smaller sized items from the saver menu. The Reel price for concessions may differ slightly from location to location.

Below are the latest Reel Prices for Concessions:

Reel Concessions
Medium Popcorn£4.25
Large Popcorn£5.00
Sweet Popcorn£5.25
Regular Candy£3.00
Hot Dogs£4.00
Ice Cream£3.25
Small Soft Drink£3.00
Medium Soft Drink£3.25
Large Soft Drink£4.00
Frozen Drinks£5.25

More about Reel

Reel ticket prices are very competitive and lower rates are offered to children under the age of 12, teenagers (ages 13 to 18), students, and senior citizens are able to take advantage of discounted rates. Reel ticket prices for adults are £6.60 in the afternoon and £7.70 in the evenings. There are additional feels charged to all guests who want to see a movie in 3D.

There are a few ways for guests to reduce the overall Reel ticket cost. During the summer time children are able to watch movies cheaply on the weekend mornings and during school holidays. Senior citizens are able to benefit from low rates every Tuesday making the already reasonable Reel ticket cost even more affordable. Corporations are able to purchase tickets in bulk for lower rates and individuals who purchase tickets for gifts or who want to host birthday parties are able to benefit from greatly reduced overall pricings. The theater also participates in the Meerkat Movie program that lets individuals benefit by purchasing two tickets for the price of one ticket.

For more information visit Reel official website by clicking HERE